Can You Eat March Flies?

March flies are members of the fly family, and they have a similar life cycle to other insects. They can be seen once or twice a year in various areas, depending on weather conditions. They are black and orange in color, or they may be black and orange. In the spring they can become a major food source for birds.

March flies can be found anywhere in Western Australia, but they’re most common in warm climates. While they’re usually not an issue when it comes to flowers and plants, they can become a major nuisance around your home if you don’t control their population. Fortunately, the insects can be controlled using screened shelters, insecticides, and light-coloured clothing.

Female march flies are found around freshwater creeks, mangroves, and intertidal estuaries throughout Australia. They use blood as an energy source, and their mouthparts are designed to extract blood from mammals. Male march flies, on the other hand, are much larger and metallic green, and feed mainly on nectar.

Female March flies prefer moist environments and will look for areas where they can lay their eggs. The females will often settle near a water ditch, catch basin, or field, and lay their eggs on these organic areas. If you have a backyard, you can create prime food plots for March flies by using mulch or compost to keep the soil moist.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!