Can You Catch Flies With Honey?

There are many meanings behind the phrase “can you catch flies with honey?” One of them suggests that kindness can go a long way. Vinegar, by contrast, is a word that connotes unpleasantness and cruelty. The term “flies” is used metaphorically to describe anything a person wants, whether it be good for themselves or bad for others.

One of the reasons that honey catches flies more effectively than vinegar is because of its sweet taste. Moreover, people who use honey are more likely to listen to your advice than those who use vinegar. The latter’s sour taste makes flies uncomfortable, and it’s better to be polite.

Another way to catch flies with honey is to put a sandwich bag on your counter. Place the bag on a sunny area. Flies will swarm to the honey. Then, fill it with sugar water mixed with dish soap. Put a rubber band on the plastic wrap to hold it in place. A small hole in the plastic wrap is then inserted to allow the fly to enter. Once the fly gets into the bag, it will drown in the liquid.

Another method of trapping flies is using an empty jar filled with a mixture of honey and water. Make sure that there are a couple holes on the jar so that fruit flies will get attracted to the mixture. Honey is particularly effective at attracting flies and fruit flies love it.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!