Can Fruit Flies Get Through Screens?

One of the common questions about fruit flies is “Can fruit flies get through screens?” It is true that fruit flies can get into your home through gaps around your windows and doors or crevices around your doors and windowsills. It is not uncommon for a single fruit fly to enter through a small hole, so it’s important to screen these areas well.

To prevent fruit fly infestations, the first step is to make sure that the containers you use for storing fruit and vegetables are well sealed. Fruit flies lay eggs beneath the lids of cans, where they grow into larvae. Also, it is important to ensure that your windows are equipped with tightly fitting 16 mesh screens. This will keep adult fruit flies out.

Insect screens are often not strong enough to keep fruit flies out. They need to be at least six millimeters in thickness to prevent this type of pest from entering your home. If the screen mesh is too small, flies will get through it anyway. Even if the mesh of the screens is made from a finer material, fruit flies may still get through them.

Homemade fly traps are another option. These are easy to make and are a good way to keep fruit flies out of your home. A cone-shaped fly trap, placed inside a wine bottle or jar, is a great homemade trap that works effectively. The cone-shaped trap is baited with apple cider vinegar, which prevents fruit flies from escaping. Another simple and effective method is to use a fly trap made from dish soap.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!