Can Fruit Flies Cause Flystrike in Rabbits?

It’s important to note that flystrike in rabbits is a serious medical condition and, if not treated, can be fatal. It is important to seek veterinary care as soon as possible. After the symptoms appear, the vet will first examine the rabbit to determine the severity of the flystrike. The vet will also clip the rabbit’s fur and clean its skin. Once the rabbit is clean, the vet will remove the maggots. During this procedure, an anaesthetic is used to keep the rabbit still. The vet will also administer medication to kill the maggots. The vet may also perform surgery if the infestation is severe.

Flystrike in rabbits is a painful condition, which requires immediate treatment. The infection can be treated by using antibiotics and gut mobilization medication. In addition to treatment, rabbits must have a clean environment to prevent further infestation. Often, the affected rabbits are overweight or have poor hygiene, which makes it easier for them to attract the flies. Make sure to clean your rabbit’s cage regularly and use fly repellent products.

Although flystrike is a serious illness, if caught early enough, it can be prevented. It’s important to check the rabbit’s bottom area twice a day for signs of flystrike. Rabbits with long fur may be at greater risk, so it’s a good idea to trim the fur around its belly.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!