Can Fruit Flies Be Dangerous?

Fruit flies are annoying pests that often come out when fruit is left out for a long time. They are especially prevalent in warm temperatures, and they multiply quickly. However, you should always take precautions if you accidentally eat them, as fruit flies can harbor potentially harmful bacteria and organisms.

To prevent fruit flies in your home, store your fruits and vegetables in airtight containers. If you cannot store them in the refrigerator, you should always wash them thoroughly before eating them. Also, make sure to wash them before placing them on your counters. If you have fruit on the counter, make sure that you clean it and place it in a plastic container. Then, dispose of it outside of your kitchen. Fruit and vegetables that have not been washed can carry hundreds of fly larvae and eggs.

Once inside the home, fruit flies can be a real nuisance. They can multiply rapidly and can overwhelm a home in a short period of time. The most common way that these insects can infest a home is through produce. If possible, purchase organic produce to avoid fruit fly infestation.

While these pests are annoying, they are not harmful to humans. Despite the fact that they’re gross and disgusting, fruit flies are unlikely to carry disease or bite you. Their tiny bodies and lack of teeth are unlikely to lacerate you, and their stings are unlikely to be serious. In fact, fruit flies are likely to annoy you more than anything else.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!