Can Flies Drink Alcohol?

It is widely believed that humans can drink alcohol, but can flies? A new study in the journal Current Biology suggests that fruit flies can consume alcohol at their own will. The research is one of the first studies to consider whether or not insects can self-administrate alcohol. The findings are surprising and suggest that humans may be able to learn a lot from insects.

Flies’ brains contain a chemical called neuropeptide F, which triggers a response that makes them prefer alcohol to other kinds of food. In addition, when male flies are denied sex, their levels of neuropeptide F go down, which makes them seek out alcohol rewards. However, artificially increasing the level of neuropeptide F in male flies can turn them off alcohol, making them not seek it as a reward.

To study if flies can drink alcohol, scientists studied the larvae of Leptopilina heterotoma. They observed that alcohol-fed flies laid three times as many eggs as non-alcoholic flies. These flies were also twice as likely to die. The findings suggest that these flies may have evolved resistance to alcohol and may be using it as a medicine.

In addition to this, alcohol is also known to increase the attractiveness of food-odor, which may be a source of attraction for flies. In addition, alcohol is known to accelerate the behavior of insects, including flies that are present on fermented food patches.

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