Can Bearded Dragons Eat Flies?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat flies. But you need to make sure that you use the right diet for your beardie. This means you should avoid giving him large, fat-filled meals. Instead, try feeding him small, nutrient-rich food. The right diet can keep your beardie healthy and happy.

Flies are safe to feed your bearded dragon as long as they are not live. Flies purchased at pet stores will be far more healthy for your bearded dragon than flies found in the wild. These insects are bred in captivity so they won’t contain as much harmful bacteria as those found in wild flies.

Cockroaches are another great food for your beardie. But be careful not to give it the skin because it contains toxic ingredients that can lead to serious digestive problems. Another healthy food is clover leaves. However, you should avoid feeding your beardie citrus fruits. Citrus fruits are bad for beardies, as they can damage their organs. In addition, don’t feed your beardie iceberg lettuce. It has less nutrients than romaine lettuce.

Besides flies, bearded dragons also eat earthworms and crickets. They also like to eat roach larvae and crickets. However, you should make sure that they don’t contain any harmful pesticides.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!