Are Flies Becomeing Extinct?

While insects have been around for millions of years, some are concerned that they are becoming extinct. In fact, this is not likely to happen because flies were designed to thrive. The species have evolved over the years to survive harsh environments. For example, they can survive in hot springs and on petroleum. They also have evolved nervous systems and aerial agility.

Some flies are being extinct in a major part because of climate change. Rising temperatures are believed to be a major factor. While animals may be able to survive the harsh conditions of climate change, insects are often unable to adapt to them. For this reason, they are more vulnerable to climate change.

Many flies have survived by evolving to survive in different environments. These insects are capable of feeding on a variety of foods, including dead organic matter. Some flies even eat human sweat. The nutrients in human sweat provide these insects with the protein they need to lay their eggs. This is why the extinction of these animals is a major concern.

A new study has also discovered that fear may play a role in flies’ demise. A study conducted by Dr. Price demonstrates that fruit flies that were exposed to the smell of a praying mantis increased their risk of extinction by seven times. It is also believed that fear of predators is a factor in driving small populations out of existence.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!