Are Flies Bad This Year?

Whether you are looking for a solution for the fly infestation or simply want to prevent the spread of flies, here are a few tips for fly control. While flies love organic matter, and can lay their eggs on it, you can help prevent their spread by cleaning up organic waste around your home and removing trash and food scraps. Make sure that you keep your garbage cans clean and cover them when possible. Also, make sure you clean out your compost bins and pick up animal waste regularly.

If you live in an area with hot, humid summers, flies are likely to be more active. This is because warmer weather and early monsoon rain have resulted in an increase in flies. However, don’t panic. These pests are generally harmless and don’t cause any harm to people. In some cases, however, it can be a nuisance to have these pests around. If you have a persistent problem with flies, you can call a pest control company to remove them for you.

Most flies can’t survive freezing temperatures. They cannot hibernate in colder months, so they seek warmth and food sources inside our homes. So if you notice flies on your windows or in your home, you should check for a shelter for these pests. If you see cluster flies, you may want to check for the pupae. While they don’t cause any real damage, cluster flies can group together in areas of your house that don’t get much use.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!