Why Fleas Are Attracted to Me

It’s not clear exactly why fleas are attracted to people. Their chemical makeup varies from person to person. Their skin secretions and gas emissions may vary, too. In addition, some people are allergic to flea saliva. These individuals may experience more frequent bites. Moreover, fleas can transmit a message to their fellow fleas to attract them to your body.

One of the most common reasons for fleas to attack you may be that you expose a large area of skin, so your body is more attractive to them. Having a high exposure to flea bites can result in itchy and tender skin. Flea allergies may also increase the appearance of flea bites. Regardless of the cause, the most important thing to do is to avoid fleas altogether.

Fleas are tiny, brown parasites that live on animals, including humans. Although humans are not their ideal hosts, they will bite you if they don’t find more suitable hosts. Fleas are driven by their stomach and need warm-blooded animals to feed on.

Fleas have a life cycle that repeats with only slight variations in each species. The first stage is the development of their larvae and eggs. These will then turn into a pupa and then become adult fleas. This process takes approximately 24 hours to complete. During this time, their larvae will be able to feed on the blood of their host.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!