Why Do Fleas Bite Humans?
Fleas bite humans in many different places. They prefer to feed on blood from the host, but when this source is not available, they will look for blood elsewhere. Human flesh is an abundant source of blood, so fleas use it as their main course, dessert, and starter. They target the feet to gain access to this blood.
Fleas can also spread diseases to humans. Some people are allergic to their saliva, which can lead to respiratory problems or difficulty breathing. Therefore, if you are bitten by a flea, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Moreover, you should be aware of the potential for bacterial infections, especially if the flea bites are repeated.
Fleas can also bite bare feet and ankles. A typical flea bite will look like a foot picture. Fleas can live on any animal that has fur, but they are especially happy on humans. Fleas can be ejected from their host by scratching or grooming. Once ejected, fleas move on to search for new homes in other areas, like carpets and soft furnishings.
The bites of fleas usually cause red, itchy welts to appear within a day or two. The itching time depends on the severity of the allergic reaction to the flea’s saliva. In severe cases, the welts may bleed.