Where Fleas Hide on Cats

If your cat is scratching a lot, it is very likely that your pet is infested with fleas. Fleas are tiny, brown insects, approximately an eighth of an inch in length. They have a pair of hind legs that enable them to hop high and move quickly on a cat’s fur. If you suspect your cat has fleas, you need to know where to look for them.

Fleas hide in warm, moist areas of the skin. You can find them on your cat’s belly, under his or her tail, and the back of the neck. Fleas feed by burrowing into your pet’s skin, and their saliva contains proteins that cause itching and skin irritation.

Fleas lay eggs anywhere on your pet, which hatch after a few days. These eggs develop into adult fleas after one to 12 days, depending on the temperature in your home. If your home is warm, this hatching process will occur more quickly. When flea eggs hatch, white worm-like larvae emerge and spin a tiny cocoon. After seven to fourteen days, flea pupae emerge and start feeding on your cat. Typically, these lifecycles repeat every week.

While the number of fleas on your cat varies, they generally congregate around the head and neck area. Research shows that the most fleas live in these areas, whereas the lowest numbers can be found on the tail and limbs. It’s important to check for fleas as soon as possible, since your pet might have an allergic reaction to them.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!