Where Do Fleas Lay Eggs?
Fleas lay eggs in a number of places on your pet. They are typically small, less than half a millimetre long, and white. Under a microscope, they look like tiny rice grains. They can also change colour, becoming translucent or solid white. If you have a pet that is often exposed to damp conditions, it may be a good idea to treat these areas.
The life cycle of a flea consists of four stages. Each stage takes about a week or more. A single adult flea can lay up to 40 eggs per day, depending on temperature and humidity. In warm temperatures, flea eggs can hatch in two days, while in colder temperatures, they can take up to three weeks.
Fleas lay their eggs in a number of different places, depending on the species. Some will lay their eggs under the skin while others will lay them on a host animal. While they prefer to live on a furry host, they can also live on humans. For that reason, treating your pet for fleas is only part of the solution.
A single adult female flea can lay anywhere from 11 to 46 eggs in a single day. This number can vary widely depending on the amount of food a flea consumes. Fleas are not only a nuisance to your pet but can affect you and your home. Fleas can be found anywhere, but they prefer cold, damp soils.