When Fleas Bite Does it Hurt?
If you have ever experienced flea bites, you know that they can be extremely irritating. They may cause bleeding and itching under the skin. They may also lead to small pimples or discolored blisters. It’s important to know what to do to minimize any discomfort. Your best bet is to avoid scratching the area until the bite has completely healed.
Fleas are oval, blood-sucking insects that feed on the blood of warm-blooded mammals, including humans and dogs. Their mouthparts are tiny, needle-like, and designed to pierce the skin and draw blood. The bites from fleas can also cause an allergic reaction, triggered by their saliva, which contains histamine. While most people do not experience a noticeable reaction when fleas bite them, some people do.
One of the most common treatments for flea bites involves applying antihistamines to the affected area. These medications can be taken as a pill or applied directly to the area. Another effective remedy is hydrocortisone, a corticosteroid that can be applied directly to the affected area to reduce itching and swelling.
Children are particularly susceptible to flea bites if they spend a lot of time outside or cuddle with pets. If children are outside playing, be sure to check their favorite sandboxes and outdoor play areas. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye out for any pet that has been visiting your home.