When Does Frontline Kill Fleas?
Frontline is an internationally sold product line that is designed to prevent the life cycle of fleas. It is formulated for dogs and cats and contains an active ingredient called fipronil. This ingredient works to kill fleas by attacking the fleas’ central nervous system. It also disrupts the flea’s natural ability to hide, which allows it to die quickly. It can kill adult fleas within 18-24 hours after contact.
The best way to prevent fleas from coming back into the home is to regularly treat your pet with Frontline. The product contains natural oils that repel fleas and ticks from your pet. Peppermint, rosemary, and tea tree oil are excellent repellents. They will not stay on your pet and can be placed on areas where your pet spends a lot of time.
One dose of Frontline can kill up to 50 fleas and a single treatment lasts about a month. It does not kill all fleas or ticks, so it is important to apply it regularly. A monthly application is recommended for best results, but some areas require you to repeat the treatment after a few weeks.
Frontline Plus is one of the most popular and effective treatments for fleas and ticks. It is easy to use and is effective against lone star tick, brown dog tick, and American dog tick. It also helps prevent Lyme disease by killing deer ticks.