When Are Fleas Most Active?
Fleas are nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active at night. The reason this is the case is because these parasitic insects feed on the blood of warm-blooded mammals. Most mammals are diurnal, so fleas seek out warm-blooded hosts at night.
Fleas can live year-round, but in warm climates, they are most active in the summer months. They’re also more prevalent during the fall season. In fall, the number of fleas on cats and dogs can increase by 70 percent. Fleas are very tiny, with mouthparts that pierce the skin and feed on blood. The adult flea is only about an eighth of an inch long.
Fleas can live anywhere warm-blooded animals spend time. Once fed, they lay their eggs. Once these eggs hatch, they will mature into adult fleas. The flea life cycle is extremely fast. Fleas can lay eggs on a host in as little as fourteen days, and they can easily spread from one host to another.
Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to eliminate fleas. First, you should make sure to vacuum your home. Vacuum regularly and wash your bedding in the most hot water safe for the material it is made of.