If My Kitten Has Fleas What Should I Do?
If you suspect that your kitten has fleas, the best way to treat them is to use a flea comb to remove them from the cat’s coat. While you can also use essential oils to kill fleas, these are very harmful and should only be used after consulting with a veterinarian. Additionally, most essential oils are not tested for safety and are not regulated. In addition, they can be difficult to dilute.
The most effective way to treat fleas on a kitten is to use a flea comb that has extra-fine teeth. Do not use plastic combs because they do not work well. Once the kitten is clean, it should be put in a room where it can dry completely and without contact with fleas. You should also gather all of the kitten’s bedding and wash it.
Fleas can be a nuisance, but they are not a threat to humans. Fleas can be transferred from other cats to your cat if the cat lives in a household with other pets. Fleas aren’t harmful to humans, but their bites can cause your cat to scratch excessively and become irritable. Luckily, you can prevent flea infestations from happening by using an effective flea treatment.
There are many flea treatments available. The type of treatment you choose will depend on the age of your kitten and its weight. Most products are age and weight specific, so it is important to consult a vet for advice.