How to Kill Fleas Without Chemicals

Luckily, there are some ways to kill fleas without using chemicals. One of them involves using a mixture of finely ground salt and baking soda. Applied liberally to your carpet and furniture, this mixture is highly effective at killing fleas and their eggs. This method also works well on your mattress and upholstery. You should make sure to vacuum thoroughly after applying the mixture.

Another natural way to kill fleas is by using diatomaceous earth. This powder contains the remains of microscopic algae and is a great way to treat flea infestations. When applied to a carpet or pet’s fur, the mixture will dry the fleas out and prevent them from coming back.

While this method is effective, it is not 100% effective. While it can help you control the flea population, it can’t solve the entire problem. Generally, most home treatments only kill adult fleas, leaving behind larvae and eggs. This means that the next flea outbreak can happen much easier.

If you have a large flea infestation, you may want to try a natural flea treatment like pyrethrin dust. This dust comes from the pyrethrum flower and you can scatter it in areas where you’ve seen fleas.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!