How to Get Rid of Fleas

Vacuuming is a great way to get rid of fleas, as it removes the eggs, larvae, and pupae. You can also use baking soda on soft surfaces. Sprinkle it on the surfaces and use a hard brush to rub it in. After waiting for about 10 minutes, vacuum again. Then, discard the vacuum bag outside.

You can also mix a mixture of water and vinegar to kill fleas. Another method involves using Diatomaceous Earth, a natural insecticide composed of crushed fossils of marine organisms. This food-grade formula is harmless to humans but very effective in killing fleas. You can sprinkle it over the house and let it sit for two days. If you do not feel confident applying Diatomaceous Earth on your own, hire a professional to do it for you. Make sure to wear a mask to prevent contamination of your skin or eyes.

It’s important to treat the whole house, not just the pet. It’s not enough to kill the adult fleas – you need to kill their eggs and pupae as well. Otherwise, the problem will return. Often, people think they’re done after treating the yard, but the problem isn’t solved, because new fleas will hatch. The eggs and pupae leave behind hundreds of fleas that remain unkilled.

The best way to eliminate fleas is to thoroughly clean your house. This means cleaning carpets and soft furnishings in your home and thoroughly vacuuming the area. You should also wash clothes in hot water, as well as clean soft toys and pet bedding. Then, you should wait several hours and ventilate the area.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!