How Much Does it Cost to Get a Dog Flea Dipped?

When you want to protect your dog from fleas, getting it flea dipped is an excellent option. However, it can be costly. A medium size dog can cost anywhere from $20 to $35 to have the treatment done. This price will include the cost of Frontline and Comfortis, which will keep your dog protected from fleas for the entire month.

Flea dips have been used to treat animals since the 1830s. The products used today are not the same as those used in the past. Modern flea killing solutions are designed to be applied to an animal’s head and skin. Afterwards, the animal will be completely flea-free.

Flea dips can be bought at pet supply stores, but you need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Flea dips should not be used on puppies younger than 12 weeks of age. You should also consult a veterinarian or groomer for a safe flea prevention method. However, if you can’t afford this treatment, you can use flea shampoo to treat your dog’s skin and get rid of existing fleas. In addition, you can also use flea medication to prevent re-infestation.

Alternatively, you can use an over-the-counter product that is cheaper than veterinarian clinics. However, these are less effective and can pose a risk to your pet and children. It is important to use the preventative regularly so that you can protect your pet from fleas and ticks all year-round.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!