How Many Fleas on a Dog is Considered an Infestation?
If you notice fleas on your dog, you need to treat them right away. They can quickly grow in numbers before you even notice them. You should continue treating for fleas throughout the year, even during the winter. Using a flea comb can help you identify any fleas that are present on your dog.
Fleas are small insects that can be easily picked up by your dog from other pets and people. Any pet that spends time outside, in kennels, or around other animals is susceptible to picking up fleas. Even indoor pets can get fleas if they are exposed to humidity.
Fleas live on the fur of your dog for many months. They reproduce by dropping eggs from their host animals. Adult fleas are about an eighth of an inch long, brown to black in color. After feeding, female fleas lay eggs, which hatch within five to 11 days. Adult fleas must find a blood meal to survive.
If you notice fleas on your dog, you should consult with a veterinarian. Fleas can cause a variety of skin and ear problems, including allergic dermatitis. If the infestation is severe, your dog may experience a sudden weakness or even anemia.