How Many Fleas is Considered an Infestation?

An infestation of fleas is when you find dozens, even hundreds, of the bugs in your home. Each flea lays 50 or more eggs a day, which can quickly turn into hundreds of new fleas. Fleas lay their eggs on your pet and spread them around your home. They also leave behind their eggs and pupae that can live for weeks or months. Understanding how fleas live can help you prevent them from becoming a major problem in your home.

The best way to prevent flea infestations is to clean your home and pets thoroughly. Fleas are attracted to blood, so your home should be free from pet hair. Fleas also spread tapeworms, which dogs can easily ingest while self-grooming.

The best way to tell if your home has fleas is to check a white sock for flea eggs. You can also check the grass and plants in your yard for flea eggs. Often, female fleas wait for warm-blooded animals to pass by the grass before laying their eggs.

Fleas prefer warm moist environments, and their underbelly makes them easy to transfer to carpets and upholstery. Fleas are most active during the summer months, and their activity slows during the winter. However, the warmth of the home provides an ideal habitat for fleas even in the coldest months. Flea infestations in your home can cause your pets to shed their fur and suffer from pale gums due to blood loss.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!