How Long Can Fleas Be in Your Bed?

Fortunately, fleas can be easily eliminated with simple home remedies. One method is to regularly wash bed linens, including bed sheets. Using a high-temperature washer is essential to preventing bed bug infestations. You should also keep pets off the bed. Fleas can live for long periods of time on a dog or cat, so it is important not to allow a pet to sleep in your bed.

There are many easy ways to get rid of fleas, including steam cleaning or vacuuming. Another option is to clean your mattress with a mixture of vinegar and water. Elisa is a sleep expert and editor at Mattress Clarity, a site where she reviews mattresses and other sleep products. She has appeared in numerous videos and articles and is a certified sleep science coach. She earned her M.A. in mass communication from Texas State University and a B.F. in acting from Oklahoma City University.

The first step is to inspect the bed for fleas. Check the headboard, box spring, and mattress for any traces of fleas. If you see reddish or pink welts, there is a good chance you have fleas. These bites will be itchy and may be painful.

Fleas can live for two weeks or more in a bed. They can even jump onto your pet if they’re within an inch of it. Adult fleas can live without food for up to a week. Once they are no longer on a mammal host, they become indiscriminate feeders.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!