How Fleas Live in Furniture
Having fleas living on your furniture can be an uncomfortable problem. Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of them. The first step is to treat any furniture that may have been infested with fleas. Fleas are a problem because they can spread diseases and allergies. To eliminate fleas from your furniture, use a chemical treatment.
Fleas usually live in furniture that is warm and dark. They are very good at hiding in fabrics. Often, they lay eggs or pupae in fabrics, including furniture. In addition, furniture contains crevices and seams, making them an ideal place to lay eggs. In addition, people sit on furniture, which allows the fleas to jump onto them. In some cases, fleas may even be found in mattresses.
You can also find fleas in carpets. Fleas are often transmitted by pets to furniture and beds. Fleas are more likely to lay eggs in pet bedding, so if you notice fleas on your bed, you should look for them in your pet’s bedding. If your pet scratches frequently, there is a high chance they are infested. Small, dark oval-shaped spots on light-colored sheets could indicate fleas on your bedding.
The best way to kill fleas on household items is to wash them. Washing household items in hot water and detergent will kill them as well as any eggs. But be sure to check the label to ensure the proper temperatures for washing. High temperatures may damage your furnishings.