How Fast Do Fleas Go Away?

Vacuuming regularly is essential for flea control. It will kill adult and immature fleas, as well as eliminate their food source. Vacuuming also raises up the fibers of carpet, which helps insecticides penetrate. To ensure flea-free carpets, vacuum at least every other day for two weeks or more.

In warm, moist environments, fleas can live for weeks or months. They reproduce quickly, and can be present in your bedding, carpet, or even your garden. They are more likely to infest your home during the warmer months. During this time, they’re in the most active breeding mode.

Vacuuming several times a week is also crucial for flea control, as it can prevent flea eggs from hatching. Another way to keep fleas away is by using a robotic vacuum. These vacuums can be set to clean your home on a schedule and will pick up the dead fleas from floors and carpets.

Although fleas can be killed by spraying and washing your pet, it will take several months to completely eliminate an infestation. Flea larvae can live dormant in your home for months before hatching, and this means that new fleas will emerge even after treatment.

Vacuuming your home will also help eliminate adult fleas. Adult fleas burrow into furniture and carpet, and if you have a pet, it’s vital to vacuum often. Ideally, you should vacuum your entire house once or twice a week. Make sure to pay special attention to rooms where your pet spends the most time. If you find that fleas are present in these areas, you should use a pesticide to kill any surviving adults. You should also dispose of your vacuum cleaner’s bag outside, as to ensure that the fleas don’t escape.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!