How Do Fleas Spread?
Fleas are small, wingless insects that live in warm, humid environments. This year, they seem to be everywhere! Warm weather and COVID-19 pandemics have created the perfect conditions for fleas to thrive. Additionally, people are spending more time outdoors, which allows fleas to jump onto humans.
Fleas are extremely fast at spreading. The average flea population can reach up to ten percent of its environment. The most common way fleas spread is through contact. They can jump from an infected animal to a healthy one, and they can also travel on clothing and fur. Because fleas can spread rapidly, controlling their population is critical. Adult fleas lay eggs on clothing, furniture, and upholstery. They then develop into adults, which are able to jump more than two feet in the air and feed on organic debris.
Fleas often infest animals, including humans and pets. They can also live in the environment, where they can lay eggs and then develop into adults. Once adults emerge, fleas search for new hosts, which include pets and people. Often, they will settle on a home’s carpet or pet’s bed, enabling them to thrive.
There are several ways to treat flea bites. Applying ice to the affected area can help slow the blood flow to the area. This reduces swelling, pain, and itching. It is best to apply the ice pack for about 10 minutes at a time. Another option is applying aloe vera gel to the affected area. It contains salicylic acid and can help kill fleas.