How Do Fleas Live in Carpet?
Fleas are small parasitic insects that live in carpet fibers and on the surfaces of homes. Their eggs hatch into larvae, which are blind and legless and live in a carpet’s fibers. As they grow, they feed on pre-digested blood packs left by the mother flea. The larvae eventually hatch and are ready to infest humans and animals.
Fleas can live on humans or animals for days to weeks. They can live for several weeks or even months without a host, so proper hygiene is crucial. Regular washing of bedding and use of a pet-safe flea spray are effective ways to kill fleas. Flea eggs are easily transported into carpets, where they develop into adult fleas. The eggs are smooth, which allows them to fall deep into the carpet fibers and floor cracks.
One way to get rid of fleas from carpet is to vacuum it thoroughly. Vacuuming will remove eggs, larvae, and debris. Another effective method is to sprinkle fine salt and borax on the carpet before vacuuming. Borax can kill adult fleas as well as their eggs and larvae.
Fleas prefer warm and moist places, such as carpet fibers. Hard surfaces can also be home to fleas, because of the many crevices that are present on them. Moreover, if you don’t have a pet, you can pick up the fleas on your clothes or shoes, and even the grass around your home.