How Do Fleas Kill Dogs?
When fleas bite, a dog’s immune system goes into overdrive, and it begins to constrict its blood vessels to minimize the amount of damage it causes. This can result in a variety of health issues, including anemia, kidney failure, and heart failure. Fleas are a common problem for Southern dogs, and are a major source of discomfort for dog owners.
If your dog is prone to fleas, it is best to use a natural remedy to kill them. There are several natural ingredients that will help kill fleas, including lavender and cedar. You can purchase commercial flea treatments, or you can make your own. You can mix essential oils with a breathable fabric collar or bandanna to apply to your dog’s skin.
In addition to killing fleas on your dog, you should also treat the surrounding environment. Infestations of fleas can take several months to completely eradicate. This is because fleas reproduce rapidly, and one flea can turn into hundreds of others. This can lead to anemia, a condition that requires veterinary care. Anemia in a dog can lead to lethargy, rapid breathing, and weakness. In severe cases, the problem may lead to death. For this reason, you should make sure that you treat the environment, including your dog’s bedding.
One way to treat fleas is to use flea sprays in areas where flea larvae and eggs live. When fleas hatch, they will move away from light and burrow into places that are difficult to reach. You can spray under furniture and in the cracks of baseboards and floors.