How Common Is It For Cats to Get Fleas?
Cats are at risk of catching fleas, but indoor cats are less likely to develop flea infestations than cats that live outside. Cats and other pets can pick up fleas through their fur or clothing, and indoor cats can be exposed to outdoor fleas from pets and people. Fleas are tiny parasites with powerful legs and the ability to jump as high as 7 inches. They multiply quickly and can lay as many as 50 eggs per day.
The most common symptom of a flea infestation in cats is frequent scratching. The reason for frequent scratching is likely to be an allergic reaction to flea saliva. A cat that is bitten by fleas will experience inflammation of the skin and itch, leading to lesions that ooze. This condition is known as flea allergy dermatitis.
Fleas are incredibly contagious. They often jump from one animal to another, and their eggs can easily fall into your home. Dogs can also carry fleas and even bring them in. Once they hatch, fleas jump onto your cat. In most cases, you can manage the flea problem by treating your pet’s fur and getting rid of any fleas.
When fleas are present, they will swarm from place to place. The most common places they will land are behind the head, along the back, and on the cat’s underbelly. If you find flea dirt, it means your cat has been infested with fleas. Fleas can multiply in a cat in as little as a week.