How Common Are Fleas on Dogs and Cats?
Fleas are insects that live on pets. They are most common on dogs and cats. A single flea can lay up to 40 eggs per day. These eggs will then fall off the animal and into the surrounding environment. Once the eggs hatch, the fleas will seek warm, dark places where they can build cocoons. These eggs will not be killed by freezing, drying, or using insecticides. As the adult fleas emerge from the pupa, they are not easily wiped off.
The pupae of fleas is the most difficult stage to kill. This is why the first flea treatment must be started as soon as possible. A second application should be given a few days later. The larva of fleas needs blood to mature. If the dog is scratched often, it is likely to be infested with fleas.
Fleas thrive in warm, humid environments. They can survive in grassy and wooded areas for a long time. A veterinarian will diagnose flea infestation by examining your dog for flea bites and irritation. In some cases, they may even use flea combs to find fleas.
While fleas are common on dogs and cats, it is important to recognize the difference between cat and dog fleas. Cat fleas are more common and have been known to attack humans. Cat fleas are different from dog fleas in the way they feed on mammals. If you notice an infestation, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.