How Cold Can Fleas Survive?
You may be wondering how cold can fleas survive. The short answer is that they can survive temperatures of 46 degrees and below, but they will die if they are consistently below freezing for more than five days. The typical survival time for fleas is ten to twenty days. So, if you want to keep your fleas away from your home during the winter, make sure to keep the temperature above freezing.
Fleas usually spend the winter in warm places such as wildlife dens. In warm places, they will go dormant and wait for spring to come. In the winter, they’ll die if the temperature goes below freezing, but they can survive in a slightly warmer environment. Another factor in flea survival is humidity. If your home’s relative humidity is above seventy percent, the life span of adult fleas can be extended.
Fleas need a temperature of around 75 degrees to live and develop. At lower temperatures, they will cocoon and remain dormant. Frozen temperatures kill fleas, but a flea may survive in the freezer for ten days if it’s not exposed to freezing temperatures. If your pet is inside, they can survive temperatures of up to 37 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fleas will take refuge in warmer areas during the winter, and will often bury themselves in an animal’s coat to stay warm. That’s why you should treat your pet with flea preventative during the winter. Although winter temperatures can kill the fleas, their eggs and larvae can survive even in a chilly environment. Keeping your pets free of fleas can be a labor-intensive task if you’re not careful.