Fleas Make Your Whole Body Itchy
When fleas bite, they can make your entire body itchy, but there are several ways to relieve the itching and reduce the irritation. One of the easiest remedies is honey, which has several properties that help alleviate the itching. Honey contains the enzyme catalase, which is helpful in relieving minor inflammation. Apply unprocessed honey to the affected areas. If you don’t have honey on hand, you can use bandages to cover the bitten area.
The bite of a flea will be felt on most people, and it will usually be near the foot or ankle. A flea bite is different from that of a mosquito bite, since fleas don’t anesthetize the bite wound. In addition, fleas are much smaller than mosquitoes, so you may not feel the bite immediately.
If the flea bites are left untreated, they can cause inflammation and infection. Moreover, the fleas may carry dangerous bacteria. If you scratch the bitten area, you may develop a secondary infection or a pus-filled blister. In some severe cases, the flea bites may even bleed. Moreover, fleas can transmit diseases like typhus and bubonic plague. If you suspect you have been bitten by fleas, consult a dermatologist immediately.
Flea bites are small, red, and firm. They are very itchy. If you’ve been bitten by a flea, you’ve probably noticed a red bump on your leg. This is due to an allergic reaction to the flea saliva. The red bump may become inflamed and sore and can last for a week. Depending on the location of the bite, the itching can be localized or widespread. If you’re allergic to fleas, it’s best to avoid the area where the fleas are living and avoid contact with it.