Do Fleas Live in Human Hair?
You may have heard that fleas can live in your hair, but did you know that fleas don’t usually climb up your hair? They prefer to find bare skin to feed on. The fleas feed for a short time, and then jump off to find a new host. However, some people do not experience any symptoms when infected with fleas, and this is most likely due to a developed immunity.
In addition to living on our hair, fleas can also live in our pets. They can easily jump from one animal to another. While most fleas live on animals, only one species of flea lives in human hair: the Pulex Irritans. Unlike other animals, fleas can hitchhike in our hair, which means that they can travel from dog to dog, and from dog to dog.
Despite their tiny size, fleas can jump quite high and distances. It doesn’t take much for them to reach the head. In fact, they prefer human hair because they can lay their eggs there. The only downside is that they can be hard to detect. Therefore, you must be proactive and take steps to protect yourself from fleas.
Despite their small size, fleas can leap up to six inches in height. However, this is still a long way from your ankle level. Therefore, if fleas are in your hair, you won’t experience a massive flea outbreak. However, they will bite you for several hours after they have bitten you.