Do Fleas Live in Cold Temperatures?
Fleas are not very fond of cold temperatures, but they can survive in warmer environments. This means that you can still keep a flea preventative on your pet during the winter. It is important to note that cold temperatures can kill both adult fleas and their offspring. Fleas will do anything to stay warm, including clinging to wild animals and laying eggs.
While fleas do not thrive in cold temperatures, they can survive and thrive indoors. During their adult stage, they need temperatures of at least 37 degrees Fahrenheit for several days in order to survive and reproduce. During these cold months, they may slow down their activities, but they can still survive in your home.
The harshest winter environments kill fleas, and their eggs and larvae cannot survive in freezing temperatures. Fleas can survive during the winter if their host is kept warm and humid. During the winter, you should continue to apply a flea preventative treatment, especially if you have central heating. It is also a good idea to use a preventive treatment year-round.
Fall and winter are ideal times for flea control. Keep your lawn mowed and clean and avoid allowing fallen leaves to pile up. Keep tall grasses and bushes trimmed away from walkways. Keeping your yard clean and free from debris will keep fleas away.