Do Fleas Go Away on Their Own?
Fleas are one of nature’s most resilient pests. They can live for two to three weeks before multiplying, and they can survive up to two years on a single host. Infestations of fleas should be treated immediately to eliminate them from your home. The longer you wait, the more fleas will multiply and make treatment more difficult.
Fleas lay their eggs in carpets, clothing, furniture, and even on pets. In severe cases, they may crawl on the host’s skin. In such cases, it is a good idea to contact a veterinarian to get the best treatment. There are even chat services online that allow you to connect with certified veterinarians.
You can also prevent flea infestations by doing your part at home. Washing your pet regularly laundering their bedding will help remove fleas from your pet and your home. Make sure to use hot water and follow the product directions carefully. If you don’t have the time to do these things, you can call a professional pest control service to administer a treatment.
Several flea treatments are available for dogs and cats. The most popular one is Comfortis. It lasts up to a month on one dosage and is recommended by veterinarians. It contains Spinosad, which is a naturally occurring substance derived from soil bacteria. It has undergone extensive EPA testing.