Can You See Fleas With a Black Light?
A black light is a tool that can be used to spot fleas. Fleas and ticks glow in the dark, though they appear much less luminous than during the day. Black lights work by emitting UV light, a form of electromagnetic radiation that is far different from visible light.
UV-light attracts fleas because it mimics warmth, which is vital for these blood-sucking insects. Additionally, fleas can also detect infrared light, which helps them find a host in darkness. Ticks, on the other hand, are not attracted to UV light. They are actually greenish-yellow in color, which is why they are invisible in bright sunlight.
Fleas are attracted to light, which is why they jump towards a lighted object when they sense light. They will also migrate to the lighted area within 40 minutes. Green-yellow-coloured lights attract twice as many fleas as standard lights.
Fleas lay their eggs in carpets, which makes them difficult to detect. If your carpet is dark, this may make it even harder for you to see the eggs. You can use a magnifying glass to check for flea eggs. If you don’t have any carpet, you can search the floor for cracked wood or bare wood floorboards to check for flea eggs.
The best way to handle a flea infestation is to hire a professional pest management professional. A professional can help you determine the best way to get rid of the fleas and other insects.