Can You See Fleas on Dogs?
If you’re worried about your dog’s health, you may be wondering if you can see fleas on dogs. Although fleas don’t have visible wings, they can be easily identified on your dog’s fur and skin. Flea dirt is easily visible, and looks like brown flecks. Flea dirt is also reddish brown when wet.
Fleas are small and move quickly. Fleas usually reside on the rump and tail area. The flea eggs are small and white. If you can see the eggs, you have a flea infestation. You may also notice excessive scratching on your dog’s skin. Another tell-tale sign of an infestation is an abrupt change in behavior.
The best way to find fleas is to part your dog’s hair and look for them. Fleas often jump around the base of the tail, but you may not be able to see them. You can use a flea comb with tightly spaced teeth to catch them.
Fleas multiply very quickly. Once they find a host, the infection may spread throughout your dog’s body. Some of the most common symptoms are red bumps, under the legs, and in the base of the tail. They may also cause dry skin and hair loss.