Can You Get Fleas From Your Cat?
While you may not think it is possible to get fleas from your cat, it is a very real possibility. Fleas feed on animal fur and are most attracted to a cat’s fur. When they feed on your cat, they lay eggs that will hatch into larvae, pupae, and adult fleas. These tiny parasites can infest your cat in less than a week.
If you notice that your cat is scratching a lot, it could be a sign that it has fleas. Cats are extremely meticulous groomers, and having fleas on your cat can cause extreme grooming. This can result in bald patches. A vet will be able to provide advice and treatment.
There are various flea products available. You can purchase over-the-counter products or visit a veterinary clinic to get a prescription for a safe treatment. However, you should be careful not to get any product that has a high concentration of permethrins, as they can be toxic for cats. When using an over-the-counter treatment, you should only apply it on a small area. It is important to not get any of the spray into your pet’s eyes or nose. Also, you should always take a shower after using the treatment.
A fine-tooth comb is an excellent way to check for fleas. You should use a white surface on which you can use the flea comb. The dirt left by fleas will be reddish brown.