Can Fleas Survive in the Cold?
If your house has a dog or cat, you may be wondering, “Can fleas survive in the cold?” The truth is, fleas can survive in cold temperatures and can infest your home in the winter. Fleas need warmth to survive and will seek shelter in a house when temperatures drop. They can also find shelter in crawl spaces and under bushes. Despite their cold-weather adaptations, it is still possible to prevent flea infestations from occurring in your home.
While fleas cannot hibernate in cold temperatures, ticks can. In cold temperatures, these pests can hide in organic matter and overwinter on your pets and wild animals. They can also survive in a garage or storage shed. In addition, some species of ticks can survive in the cold.
While fleas can survive in cold temperatures, they prefer a temperature around 75 degrees. Cold temperatures do not kill their eggs, but they can remain dormant for up to four weeks. Fortunately, their adult stages do not die – they simply slow down their life cycle.
It’s best to prevent fleas from getting into your home by taking simple steps to reduce their population. First, try to keep your lawn clean. Fallen leaves and grasses are prime breeding grounds for fleas, so it is important to rake them up regularly. When possible, dispose of leaves and grass clippings in a trash container. Also, be sure to trim the branches of trees away from walkways.