Can Fleas Make You Sick?
While flea bites don’t usually cause sickness, they can infect your pets. Some fleas can be deadly, such as typhus or plague. Another dangerous parasite found in fleas is Bartonella, which can infect humans. Most people recover quickly from flea bites. However, it’s important to remember that fleas can carry other diseases and can even cause organ damage.
Fleas can also transmit a bacterium known as tularemia. While it’s rare in the U.S., this disease can be serious if you don’t get medical attention right away. The best way to prevent it is to avoid fleas. That’s why it’s important to use flea control products on your pets.
Fleas tend to live in warm places and are more prevalent in warmer months and periods of heavy rainfall. These places are also dark, and fleas can easily hide from sight. They also tend to be more prevalent in areas with trees and vegetation. But even if you don’t have a pet, you should still take precautions to avoid flea bites. If your dog or cat has fleas, be sure to clean it regularly and apply a flea preventative product to prevent future infestations.
Fleas are small, reddish-brown parasites that bite humans. They feed on the blood of cats and dogs and lay their eggs in their poop. Their bites are usually itchy and irritating. The most common parts of the body where fleas bite are the feet, ankles, and lower legs.