Can Fleas Live on Objects?
Fleas are parasites that live on humans, animals, and objects. Adult fleas jump onto the skin of a host animal and feed on the blood. After a few days, they lay up to 50 eggs in one place, and these eggs then lay in a host’s fur and bedding. The eggs hatch into larvae and develop into pupae, which then feed on organic debris.
When fleas bite a host, they search for a source of cover that is away from light. This is why they are most likely to burrow themselves in a carpet or hop off of clothing. However, this doesn’t mean that fleas won’t live on a piece of clothing for 24 hours. If they have access to your stored clothes, however, they will lay eggs.
Regular vacuuming is an essential part of keeping fleas at bay. Fleas can burrow deep into carpets, furnishings, and curtains, making it imperative that you regularly vacuum your home. It is recommended that you vacuum the entire home at least once a week, especially the rooms your pet spends the most time in. After vacuuming, you can use an insecticide to kill any escaped fleas that may be hiding in the vacuum bag. When you’re finished, make sure you empty the vacuum bag outside to prevent any stray fleas from flying away again.
Fleas can live on objects, including people, and they can also live on pets. Fleas prefer smaller hosts, and humans are too large for them. However, they can jump very high, and can even reach your ankle. Fortunately, flea spray will eliminate most of the fleas from your home.