Can Fleas Just Go Away?
Fleas can live in your home for months before you even realize they’re there. They need a warm and humid environment to survive. Fleas can also live on human hair, carpets, bed linens, and furniture. Washing your furniture and carpets regularly will help to kill fleas.
You can also treat the yard and your pets’ fur with a pyriproxyfen-based insect growth regulator to kill fleas and prevent their development. This insect growth regulator can remain active in outdoor air for up to three to 12 weeks, and is effective against both indoor and outdoor fleas. For people without pets, treating the yard with an insect growth regulator may be overkill, but it will ensure the fleas don’t get a foothold.
Fleas can live on your pet for two weeks or longer without a host, so it’s imperative to treat your pet as soon as you discover an infestation. Flea eggs can be laid in your home for days, even weeks, depending on the species. They lay up to twenty-seven eggs per day, so keeping your house clean will help prevent fleas.
Fleas can cause skin disease in pets, and their bites can be annoying, ranging from a simple itch to weeping sores and scaly skin. Some dogs may develop allergic reactions to flea saliva, which requires veterinary attention. In addition to causing allergic reactions, fleas may also spread harmful bacteria.