Bleach Can Kill Fleas
Bleach can kill fleas, but it is not a foolproof solution. Bleach is toxic and can cause vomiting, so keep pets and children away from the solution for at least three hours. It can also cause skin irritation. However, it is an effective solution for killing fleas in a very short amount of time.
If you are trying to kill fleas on your carpet or cement, you can apply a small amount of bleach. This is not as effective as applying the solution directly to the fleas, and the fumes can increase the toxicity of the product. Also, keep the bleach away from your pet, as it may spread fleas throughout the house.
To use bleach, you should first vacuum the area to remove dirt and flea eggs. This will make it easier for the bleach solution to penetrate into the carpet’s roots. Next, you should wash any clothing or bedding that is infested with fleas in hot water. You may also want to consider using an essential oil spray to repel fleas.
Bleach can kill fleas, their eggs, and other insects. But you should be sure to dilute it with water, at least one ounce of bleach for every ten ounces of water. Also, bleach is harsh on pets, young children, and furniture. You should wear protective eyewear when handling it.