Are Fleas Really a Big Deal?
While fleas may not be a major concern for most people, they can be a serious problem for your pet. Fleas are an unpleasant part of your pet’s life, and a veterinarian’s treatment may help prevent the infestation from getting worse. Fleas can also cause internal complications, so prevention is crucial to keeping your pets healthy and safe.
Fleas can cause your pets to scratch excessively, or they can make them hypersensitive. You can tell if your pet has fleas if they scratch and bite themselves constantly. In addition, if you notice white or brown flecks on your pet’s fur, it may be infested.
Adult fleas can lay eggs as soon as one day after feeding on an animal. In ideal conditions, they can lay as many as 50 eggs per day. Flea eggs tend to be found in cool, dark places, such as baseboards, cracks in furniture, and carpets. Flea larvae develop into a cocoon and emerge as adult fleas when the environment is conducive.
Fleas are easy to spread from one pet to another. A single flea is not a major infestation, but even one flea can cause your pet to scratch. Fleas can live for as long as 24 hours, so it’s important to treat fleas early. If you have a few fleas, you can apply flea shampoo. This will help reduce the number of fleas in your pet’s fur.