Which is the Respiratory Organ of Cockroach?

The cockroach has three main organs in its body. These are the oesophagus, pharynx and hypo-pharynx. The pharynx is the uppermost portion of the insect’s body and projects upward into the oral cavity. The hypo-pharynx is below the oesophagus. Its purpose is to expel the waste materials of the animal.

The lungs of vertebrates are tubes filled with air. The lungs in animals are made up of two separate tubes – the trachea and the bronchi. Oxygen-rich air enters the tracheae through spiracles and spreads throughout the body. The lungs help in exchanging energy.

The lungs are an important part of the animal’s respiratory system, delivering oxygen to the cells in the body and eliminating carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration. Insects have one pair of spiracles on each segment of the body. The spiracles are operated by small muscles that contract and relax to allow air to enter and exit.

Cockroaches use a network of air tubes throughout their bodies. These tubes are called tracheae and lead to the smaller tubes called tracheoles. The tracheae help cockroaches exchange gases and transport carbon-di-oxide from the air to cells.