Which Cockroach is the Most Dangerous?

There are dozens of dangerous diseases that cockroaches carry, and they can make your home a dangerous place to live. These pests often live in garbage and decaying plant and animal matter. They can also spread bacteria and germs through contact with surfaces, including your food. Cockroaches can also trigger asthma attacks and allergies.

The German cockroach is one of the worst cockroaches. This pest is small, about 1.1 to 1.5 inches long, and is black or tan in color. They feed on meat, sugar, starch, and even their own kind. These pests can be very difficult to kill, but if they find a way into your home, they can cause a lot of problems.

This tiny cockroach has a wide diet, which can include human food and garbage. This cockroach can transmit bacteria and contaminants to your food, and it can leave old skin behind. This type of cockroach has light brown or yellow bands along its abdomen and wings. It is often found in moist areas of your home.

A female Australian cockroach can lay over 20 eggs in one night. These cockroaches will live for 6 months to a year. They will eventually molt and produce hundreds of nymphs. There are two species of this species.