Where is the Habitat of Cockroaches?

If you have ever had a cockroach infestation in your home, you know that they tend to thrive in areas where temperatures are warm. This includes areas under upholstered furniture, electrical appliances, and plumbing. They also thrive in moist, warm areas like sewers. Because they prefer warm temperatures, they are often found in large buildings, food storage areas, and basements. In fact, they are the most common species in sewer systems across the United States.

The cockroach is a nocturnal creature that prefers warm, damp areas where they can find food. They spend their daytime hiding in a hole and emerge to feed at night. They are dioecious and spend seventy-five percent of their time in cracks. Their preferred temperature range is approximately 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

There are more than three hundred species of cockroaches in the world. Of these, about fifty species are native to the United States. Cockroaches are known for their adaptability to their environment. As a result, their habitats vary as widely as their species. In the United States, cockroaches prefer warm moist areas with direct access to food.

Cockroaches come in two basic color varieties: brown and black. The former is a light brown to tan color, while the latter is a darker brown or black color. The former is commonly found in sewers and storm drainage systems. They also live in damp areas such as kitchens.