Where Does Cockroach Lay Eggs?

Cockroaches can be found in a wide variety of environments. When a female cockroach lays her eggs, she will usually place the oothecae near a food source. Once the nymphs hatch, the female will leave them to fend for themselves. The oothecae are often camouflaged or glued to something in the environment.

Cockroaches lay several eggs in one casing called an ootheca. This case is made from a protein substance produced by the female cockroach and hardens over a period of several hours. This hardened egg casing protects the roach’s eggs from predators and the elements.

In contrast, some species produce thousands of eggs. German cockroaches can lay as many as 30,000 eggs within a year. American cockroaches lay between six and 15 eggs per ootheca. It may take a year for one female to lay all of her eggs.

Cockroaches can lay eggs in clothing, but will rarely lay them in drawers used by humans. They will, however, leave egg capsules on kitchen appliances. This is because they hide inside these objects for warmth. Some of these appliances include coffee makers, toasters, blenders, and microwaves.

Cockroaches reproduce rapidly and may be difficult to control if you don’t control their population. Cockroaches lay their eggs in attics, basements, and kitchens. Regardless of where you find them, you can eliminate cockroaches by vacuuming and using a product like boric acid to kill eggs. However, be aware that boric acid can be harmful to humans.