Where Do Cockroach Wasp Live?
When you see a cockroach, you might wonder: Where do cockroach wasp live? You may be surprised to know that these tiny insects are capable of carrying dangerous pathogens. Some of these microbes are even fatal for growing larvae. One such bacterium is called Serratia. It is present in healthy insects, but can be harmful if ingested directly.
In the winter, a cockroach may develop a wasp egg on its abdomen. This egg will hatch in three to four days. The larva then feeds on the roach’s body for about four or five days. The larva is an endoparasite, which means that it lives in the animal’s internal organs. The larva will remain in the cockroach until it reaches the pupal stage, after which it will emerge as a full-grown wasp.
In addition to being parasitic, cockroach wasps also cause damage to humans. The young of a cockroach wasp can kill a host before it can fully recover. When a host is killed, the larvae cannot develop properly and may die before they reach adulthood.
Cockroach wasps come in many varieties. The jewel wasp, for example, has a metallic blue-green body and a shiny exoskeleton. It also has red legs. These wasps are small, and males are typically smaller than females. They have four larval stages and develop inside their roach host.