Where Can I Buy Cockroach Gel?

Cockroach gel baits are a common way to eliminate roaches. There are several types of baits available, and each one works differently. In addition, the active ingredients of each gel bait vary. Gel baits are less effective in areas where roaches are not likely to find them. Gel baits also dry out over time, and must be replaced regularly to keep them effective.

Roach gel is a great way to kill roaches because it can target specific areas. It works by drawing cockroaches to its baited area, and then killing them with its insect-killing substance. This gel can also be used on walls and other areas where roaches like to hide. However, it should not be used on surfaces already treated with Raid(r) Ant & Roach Killer.

The active ingredient is Indoxacarb, 0.6%. This insecticide kills cockroaches within thirty minutes, and contaminates up to 40 more. It is especially helpful in areas where people prepare food, so it’s important to use cockroach gel only in areas where cockroaches are likely to congregate.

Cockroach gel should be applied to cracks and surfaces using a bait gun or plunger. Place one to three drops of the gel per square meter. For a heavier infestation, you may need more than one application.